How to set up Surfshark Smart DNS for Samsung TV

In this article, you will learn how you can set up Smart DNS on your Samsung TV.

To follow along, you will need a Samsung Smart TV and an active Surfshark VPN subscription (Smart DNS is included in the plans), which you can purchase on Surfshark's pricing page.

You will learn how to:

  1. Find your Smart DNS
  2. Set up Smart DNS on your Samsung TV


Find your Smart DNS


  1. Go to the Surfshark login page. Enter your registered email address, password, and click Log In.

  2. If you do not see your Smart DNS addresses there, you probably have not activated Smart DNS yet. Click the Activate button or follow our tutorial on how to activate Surfshark Smart DNS.

Set up Smart DNS on your TV


  1. Turn on your Samsung Smart TV.

  2. Press the Menu button on your remote. In the main menu, select Network

  3. Choose Network from the settings menu. Go to Network Status.

  4. At the bottom of Network Status, click the IP Settings button.

  5. Go to DNS settings.

    You may have noticed that the IP address shown on your TV is different from the one that you have activated Smart DNS for. That is because you have activated Smart DNS for your external (public) IP address, but your TV only shows the internal (private) IP.

    An internal IP usually looks like this – 192.168.x.x and is only used for internal communication between different devices on the same network. It is not visible publicly and does not affect the usage of Smart DNS, so you can just ignore it and proceed with the Smart DNS setup.

  6. Choose Enter manually.

  7. Activate Smart DNS services. Then, enter the Smart DNS that you can see on your profile page.




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