Surfshark background service is not running

If you get this error when trying to start the Surfshark app or connect to a server, that means that the background service of Surfshark could not start for some reason. Therefore, the app cannot function properly. 

We will cover the following solutions:

  1. Temporarily disable antivirus software
  2. Restart your computer
  3. Restore the original settings of your Surfshark app
  4. Reinstall your Surfshark app

NOTE: This issue is most commonly resolved by updating the Surfshark app. If the issue is still not resolved, make sure to have the latest .NET packages installed.

Temporarily disable antivirus software

If you have some antivirus software running, temporarily disable it. Alternatively, you can make an exclusion for Surfshark in the settings of the antivirus app. Here's how to make an exception on most antivirus software.


Restart your computer

Restarting your device will close all the idle apps and their background processes that might be running and interfering with Surfshark.

Restore the original settings of your Surfshark app

To do that, open the Surfshark app, go to Settings > Help > Diagnostics > Restore original settings. This will give your app a fresh start and likely fix the background service issue.

Reinstall your Surfshark app


Sometimes, during the initial installation, some files might fail to install. This could happen for various reasons, e.g., antivirus software forbidding the installation or some changes in your system during the installation process.

If other solutions don’t work, please try reinstalling your Surfshark app. Uninstall it first, then download the app from here and install it again.


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